Passing the Louisiana State Mortgage Exam Course Outline

“It was lively with great instruction. I learned more about the business than I expected! having an experienced person who has a great teaching style. The instructor was very articulate, he knew his business!” G. K.

“Well planned. Informative. I left with confidence, ready to enter the mortgage world.” N. R.

Mortgage lending courses available for registration

Learn from an Experienced Loan Originator.

Learn from an Experienced Loan Originator.

Each and every instructor on staff here at Donaldson is a Licensed Loan Originator, and has a wealth of experience to assist you in preparation both for the exam and your career. Every Donaldson instructor is evaluated by every student in every class session. Either they are GOOD or they are GONE – PERIOD. Come see for yourself, register for your mortgage pre-license course Today!

On July 30, 2008, the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) of 2008 was signed into law by President George W. Bush, marking a significant component of mortgage reform. Title V of HERA is better known as the Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008 (SAFE Act). It establishes national minimum standards for mortgage training, including pre-licensing and annual continuing education.

This 20-Hour Mortgage Loan Originator SAFE Comprehensive Course uses the Mortgage Lending Principles and Practices, 6th edition textbook, which was designed to meet the core criteria established by the SAFE Act for national mortgage loan originators, including three hours on federal lending legislation-including recent changes to the Truth in Lending Act and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act as a result of the Mortgage Disclosure Improvement Act. Three hours on the critical topic of fair lending and ethics, and two hours on nontraditional lending products. In addition, the text presents elective topics selected to give students the information they need to successfully enter the mortgage lending field. This course provides a primer on the primary and secondary mortgage markets, as well as a review of the economic, legal, and valuation aspects of the real estate market. This course also details types of loan products and finance instruments including conventional, government, and nontraditional financing tools available today. Students will also learn the fundamentals of the residential mortgage lending process from pre-qualifying potential borrowers to understanding appraisals, to closing a loan.

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Discuss disclosure provisions of federal laws related to mortgage lending.
  • Identify procedures to protect the privacy of consumers as required by federal law.
  • Define education requirements for mortgage lending professionals.
  • Define ethics and discuss the purpose of codes of ethics.
  • Discuss various anti-discrimination laws.
  • Identify protected classes and practices in relation to fair housing and lending.
  • Recognize indicators of mortgage fraud.
  • Identify predatory lending practices.
  • Identify the characteristics of a conventional loan.
  • Contrast conforming and nonconforming loans.
  • Identify qualifying standards for FHA-insured loans.
  • Identify qualifying standards for VA-guaranteed loans.
  • Identify guaranteed and direct loan options available through Rural Development.
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of buydown plans.
  • Identify the elements that make up an adjustable rate mortgage.
  • Discuss agency guidelines on lending and subprime loans.
  • Identify historical events affecting today’s mortgage industry.
  • Contrast the primary mortgage market and secondary mortgage market.
  • Define the various roles that mortgage professionals play.
  • Identify the steps in the loan process.
  • Discuss the information necessary to complete a standard loan application.
  • Identify criteria for evaluating borrowers.
  • Calculate income and total debt ratios.
  • Define the purpose of different types of mortgages.
  • Identify typical mortgage clauses.
  • Discuss the use of private mortgage insurance.
  • Identify the essential elements of a valid contract.
  • Distinguish among the different forms of deeds.
  • Discuss various types of liens and easements and their impact on property.
  • Describe how several broad factors and specific principles impact the value of property.
  • Identify the steps necessary to complete a real estate appraisal.
  • Contrast the three appraisal approaches used to arrive at an opinion of value.

Mortgage Loan Originator Pre-License Classroom Courses

Below is a list of the upcoming live classes being taught at our various locations statewide. To sign up, visit our store or click on a link below to register for that specific date!

More classes coming soon.

20-Hour Mortgage Loan Originator SAFE Comprehensive Course
March 26, 2025 – METAIRIE
3 weeks, Wednesdays (9am-4:30pm)


20-Hour Mortgage Loan Originator SAFE Comprehensive Course
March 26, 2025 – VIRTUAL
3 weeks, Wednesdays (9am-4:30pm)


On-Demand Access – Finish At Your Own Pace! ( 20 Hrs Total )