Donaldson Educational Services is your complete choice for all of your real estate continuing education needs. With a full slate of approved courses, we can help you meet either part or all of your required continuing education. With live real estate classes and an online real estate continuing education campus available 24/7 – the choice is up to you!
DONALDSON is the only name you need to know in Real Estate Continuing Education. Allow to us the chance to show you why. We have the experience to make completing your continuing education an easy, affordable, and enjoyable experience. If you want to actually learn something that you can use in your real estate business while receiving your required continuing education credits, this is your place. If you are looking for a simple solution to complete your required continuing education without any hassles, this is your place. If you want the very best in real estate continuing education, this is your place!
In Louisiana, all active real estate licensees are required to complete 12 hours of continuing education coursework to renew their license for each renewal period. In addition, the Louisiana Real Estate Commission requires that your continuing education coursework includes the LREC mandatory topic(s).
For the continuing education deadline which ends December 31, 2024, the mandatory topic for ALL Louisiana Real Estate Licensees is:
2024 Mandatory – LREC Mandated Forms and Hot Topics
- This course must be taken by BOTH active salespersons and brokers.
There is a NO BROKER-specific mandatory course requirement for 2024.
CE Classes Available
2024 Mandatory – LREC Mandated Forms and Hot Topics (4 Hours)
LREC 2023 Mandatory Course (4 Hours)
LREC 2023 BROKER Mandatory (4 Hours)
36 Ways to Lose Your License (4 Hours)
Effective Real Estate Marketing in the Digital Age (4 Hours)
The Code of Ethics (4Hours)
Agency Relations in Real Estate Transactions (4 Hours)
Basics of Property Management (4 Hours)
Fair Housing & Cultural Diversity (4 Hours)
Insurance Awareness and Contract Timelines (4 Hours)
Louisiana License Law (4 Hours)
LREC Updates & Addenda (4 Hours)
Property Measurement & Pricing (4 Hours)
Real Estate Best Practices (4 Hours)
The CFPB & You (4 Hours)
Advertising Rules and Regulations & How They Relate to Social Media and Teams (2 Hours)
Contract Law refresher for Real Estate Professionals (2 Hours)
DONALDSON offers your continuing education live, or online, the choice is up to you! Whether you need take 4 hours, 8 hours, or all 12 hours of real estate continuing education you can complete these courses through Donaldson in either format!
This is where DONALDSON and our legendary Customer Service Representatives will make the process of obtaining your continuing education quick and easy, take care of the details, report your course to the Louisiana Real Estate Commission upon completion, and make sure you receive your continuing education credit on your terms.
Special Note: Due to changes in LREC continuing education policy, education will no longer be available via correspondence booklet. You can only receive credit by attending a live class or by completing an online course.
Real Estate Continuing Education
2-4 hours
On-Demand Access – Finish At Your Own Pace!