In order to obtain a Louisiana real estate license, you will need to meet certain licensing guidelines. The Louisiana Real Estate Commission handles the administration of real estate licenses in the state of Louisiana, and helps set the licensing requirements. See below for a simple guide on what you need to do to get a real estate license in Louisiana. If you have any questions about the licensing process, click here to contact our team of experts is standing by to help guide you step-by-step.
An applicant for a Louisiana Real Estate License must:
1. Be at least 18 years of age
2. Be a high school graduate or hold a GED or equivalent from another country
3. Complete the 90 Hour Pre-License Course 101
4. Comply with all application procedures of the LREC including a background check
5. Pass the Real Estate Salesperson License Examination
6. Obtain a sponsorship from a licensed Louisiana Real Estate Broker and provide proof of errors and omissions insurance (e&o)
An applicant for a Louisiana Real Estate Broker’s License must:
NOTE: You do not have to currently have your real estate salesperson license. You just need to have an active license for four years. Effective 8/1/16 the two years immediately prior to the broker license application need to be in active status. Though a salesperson license must be held for four years, it does not have to be a Louisiana License.
2. You must have obtained a high school diploma or GED
4. Comply with all application procedures required by the LREC including a background check
5. Pass the Real Estate Broker Licensing Examination
6. Provide proof of valid errors and omissions insurance (e&o)
If you are currently licensed in another state as a salesperson or broker or have taken college courses in real estate related topics, some of these requirements may be amended. Please contact one of our Customer Service Representatives for details. We are here to help you understand the licensing requirements!
In Louisiana, there is no state residency requirement to have a Louisiana Salesperson’s License or Louisiana Broker’s License. You are only required to be a United States Citizen or a Legal Alien.